Today I thought we might have a little fun testing our knowledge of abbreviations that apply to the childbearing year. We may hear these terms during our clients’ pregnancy, birth or postpartum period. We may even use some of these abbreviations when we take notes at a prenatal or postpartum meeting or during a birth. These are pretty common terms and I suspect that most of them are familiar to you. It will be fun to take the challenge. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And a bonus for you! Just for giving our quiz a try, you will be entered in a drawing for a $25.00 gift certificate to the DONA International Boutique, where you can buy yourself some DONA swag.
Keep this in mind- you must use all lower case letters in order for the answer to be marked correct. Do NOT add any hyphens either. Words like labor are spelled using American English. Take the test, enter your name and email and be entered to win a $25 credit in the Boutique. Let us know how you did in the comments section. Good luck!
Well, I got 17/20, but I think I should get full credit. 😉 I think there may be some slight differences in nomenclature in different areas of the country even though the abbreviations come out the same. I was dinged for “external” fetal monitor instead of “electronic” fetal monitor and “estimated due date” rather than “estimated date of delivery.” I also missed “nonstress” test because my autocorrect insists that “non stress” is two words, not one as the quiz grades it. Oh well, I guess even a seasoned doula can learn a few things – like the fact that things are different outside my region!
Oh man! A few I got wrong because I put a space “non stress test” instead of “nonstress test”. I didn’t even have to look things up!
right!! Kind of strict. I put a dash. Wrong!!
Wonderful way to review my abbreviations. Only ONE did I actually get wrong (but struggled with two answers that were both “right”). all the others I simply eliminated the – with a space OR spelled with the English (rather than American) spelling. BUT nobody graded so I’m VERY glad to have had the fun review. Thank You! Do this kind of thing more often = I can always use a fun review!
Man! Only 11/20. Doing mostly home births takes a lot of these terms out of my normal jargon.
It said I got all of them incorrect because the first letter was capitalized.
And I put estimated due date for EDD and non stress test.
I missed several because I entered or omitted spaces (non stress test vs nonstress test, postpartum vs post partum). Oh well – it was a great review!
So I actually got them all correct but because my phone auto capitalizes the first letter it graded them as all incorrect. So I feel good about my knowledge even though the form is silly!
3/20 gee I need to brush up
That was a fun quiz I also got them all right but did not follow the instructions and capitalized the answers. Oh well, live and learn. I am glad I got the answers right!
The part about not using caps or dashes could have been put in bold. 20/20 recorded as zero!
wow, I got 6/20 only because I capitalized the first letter in them, but I should have received 100% as my answers were correct?