Baby Feet
Doula Support for Early Breastfeeding

Doula Support for Early Breastfeeding

…Austin.She has been a La Leche League Leader since 1981.Barbara’s research and com mentaries have appeared in The Journal of Human Lactation, Current Issues in Clinical Lactation, Birth Issues, Breastfeeding…

ACOG: OBs Can Prevent Lacerations During Vaginal Births

ACOG: OBs Can Prevent Lacerations During Vaginal Births

studies regarding birthing position is noted to have mixed results with some demonstrating that upright or lateral positions led to fewer episiotomies, less operative births but higher rates of second-degree…

Is Homebirth Safe?

Is Homebirth Safe?

…Association Journal, continue to show home birth to be safe. (2,3) In all Canadian studies and several US studies, women experiencing out-of-hospital birth received dramatically fewer interventions, including caesarean sections,…

So You Want to Be a Midwife?

So You Want to Be a Midwife?

…doula to midwife I have met doulas who already know or soon discover that they have a strong yearning to be a midwife (or doctor). They long for the clinical

ACOG Updates: What Doulas Should Know

ACOG Updates: What Doulas Should Know

…joint statements with the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine called the Obstetric Care Consensus Series. While all of these documents are clinical in nature and discuss practices that are outside the…

Nurses and Doulas Playing Nice For Optimal Birth

…wants. Without clinical responsibilities or decisions to make, the doula is free to be present in each moment with the mother. With doulas, mothers have continuous emotional support, information about…