Just like self-study via books or articles provides valuable learning, audio and online education can expand knowledge and enhance skills. The fourth post in The DONA Doula Chronicles series on Alternative Contact Hour options for recertification focuses on recorded sources of information. See our previous posts on Events, Reading, Writing, & Research and Teaching & Sharing for more ways to learn and grow as a DONA International doula.
Listen to a Conference General Session – Audio recordings of general sessions from past DONA International conferences are available from the website. The session must have taken place during your recertification period and have been purchased from either DONA International or the recording contractor. An essay about the session is required and each session provides one contact hour. (Alternative A-4)
Watch a Film – Just as our book libraries are often full, we doulas often also have a substantial film collection as well. A film or documentary related to the childbearing year produced by an organization recognized in the field can provide great insight and information impacting how we serve clients. You movie buffs can obtain up to five alternative contact hours per certification period. Grab some popcorn, take notes and enjoy the show! (Alternative A-5)
Online courses – DONA International has partnered with Evidenced Based Birth to offer continuing education contact hours (no Alternative form to complete!) for two courses:
“Friedman’s Curve and Failure to Progress” provides 2 contact hours
“Evidence-Based Care for Suspected Big Babies” provides 1.8 contact hours
In addition to research based up-to-date information, taking these courses also supports DONA International because Evidenced Based Birth is donating part of the registration fee back to DONA. Use the links above, no coupon code needed.
The full list and detailed descriptions of alternative options can be found on the DONA International website:
Birth doula recertification: https://www.dona.org/PDF/Birth%20Recertification_Alternatives%20to%20Continuing%20Education_0113.pdf
Postpartum doula recertification: https://www.dona.org/PDF/Postpartum%20Recertification_Alternatives%20to%20Continuing%20Education_0113.pdf