We’ve recently shared an updated list of who you can contact at DONA International to answer questions and get support. Here, we’re sharing the communication channels and publications available from DONA International offering resources, inspiration and community.
eDoula Quarterly E-Newsletter
January, April, July and October
Sent to all DONA International members (email address associated with your membership)
- Welcome letter from your Regional Director (member of the DONA International Board of Directors representing your area)
- Educational opportunities in your region
- Resources and news from SPARs (State/Province/Area Representatives) in your region
- Updates from DONA International on changes on the Board of Directors, conference updates, open volunteer and contractor positions
- List of newly certified and recently recertitied members
The most recent edition was sent April 26th. If you didn’t receive it, sign in to the online Member Center to confirm the email address we have on file. You can update your contact information there anytime. If you need help, please contact Membership Manager Ramona Hopkins at membership@dona.org with your full name and mailing address so she has the information she needs to search our membership database. You can also email eDoula editor Leslee Boldman at newsletter@dona.org and ask that the latest edition be resent to you. Please indicate your location so we can send you the correct edition.
Year round, 3 – 5 articles per month
Available for delivery via email, simply subscribe on the main page
- Research, resources and practice tips specifically for doulas
- Summaries of Practice Bulletins and Committee Opinions by the American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG)
- Updates and news from DONA International including new Board members, milestones and conference information.
DONA International members and other experts in the field of maternity and postpartum care are welcome to participate in the blog as guest authors. Read Writer’s Block: Getting Past I Don’t Know What to Say for tips on tapping into your knowledge base and how we can support you in the writing process. Contact me, Adrianne Gordon, blog manager at blog@dona.org.
International Doula Magazine
March, June, September and December
Mailed to all DONA International members (home address on file with your membership)
- In-depth articles on news and research in the maternity care field
- Resources and advice for doulas to expand skills and grow our practices
- Ask Penny column from DONA International founder Penny Simkin
- Book and film reviews (great resource for ideas for those alternative contact hours!)
- Reflection essays from doulas on their experience
Writers are always welcome to contact managing editor Susan Troy at IDEditor@dona.org about writing an article or book review. Please note that this publication has a significant lead time (6 months or more), so you’ll have plenty of time to get that article turned in. If you haven’t received your copy of International Doula (last sent in March), please confirm that your mailing address is correct in the online Member Center and contact membership@dona.org if needed. Back issues are available to DONA International members online at dona.org. The username and password to access the electronic version was sent in the April 2016 eDoula newsletter.
Social Media
Our public, outward facing Facebook presence, the DONA International page offers articles and updates both from the organization and the maternity care field. This is a great place to find relevant and timely articles to share on your own social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) or write about for your own blog.
This is a private group for DONA International members providing better connection within our community. Use this group to find other doulas in your area, get advice about your practice and share your successes. Resources are often shared or requested, and that’s a great way to stay up on what’s happening in the maternity field and support other doulas at the same time. Updates from DONA International including conference information and blog posts are shared here as well. This group is a good place to ask questions relevant to who is the best contact at DONA International about a specific item, about the Standards of Practice, continuing education or organizational processes (i.e. How do I get an extension on my recertification packet?).
Members were invited to the group in early 2016, but if you missed your invitation or joined DONA International more recently, submit a request to join the group and we’ll add you.
This group is “closed” meaning membership has to be requested and approved. The intended audience is those who are not currently DONA International members. A great resource to connect with other doulas and share insights and resources, this offers a taste of what DONA International provides. It is not intended to be a place to ask questions that are better served by the official member group, where you’re likely to get a faster answer. A search of posts in this group will provide a lot of valuable advice and resources on common questions asked by new doulas including tips on how to establish oneself in the community and back-up arrangements. There are other frequent themes in this group useful to established doulas as well such as relocating your practice to a new area and adding contractors or a partner. Of course not every answer or example shared will apply to your specific situation, but learning from the experience of others and discovering resources can have value. If your question has ties to what is appropriate within the DONA International Standards of Practice or related to a particular organization process, it’s probably best posted in the members only group.
Please review and follow the group guidelines and be aware that posts that ask for specific advice about a client situation are not allowed, and neither are advertisements for products or services.
Location Based Facebook Groups
There are a lot of independently organized Facebook groups for DONA International doulas in a certain area. These can be a wonderful way to connect with other DONA International members near you for support, resources and community. These groups are not owned, managed or moderated by DONA International. Facebook’s search feature may help you find new groups not listed here. If you find any, please let us know at blog@dona.org and we’ll update this list!
United States
AZ – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1619687154914636/
CO – https://www.facebook.com/groups/323555727831128/
IL – https://www.facebook.com/groups/DONAofIllinois/
KS – https://www.facebook.com/groups/239251436103060/
NC – https://www.facebook.com/groups/352472654960666/
NM – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1514222385485252/
NYC – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1416168708639374/
NY – Upstate – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1409225272733059/
RI & CT – https://www.facebook.com/groups/162225224178403/
TX – https://www.facebook.com/groups/130730057005341/
VT & NH – https://www.facebook.com/groups/142262142778095/
WI – https://www.facebook.com/widonadoulas/?fref=ts
Ireland – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1468034966779432/
Monterrey – https://www.facebook.com/groups/357046501075819/
Ontario – https://www.facebook.com/groups/ontariodonadoulas/
Singapore – https://www.facebook.com/groups/DoulasSingapore/
Spanish Speaking
Hispanas – https://www.facebook.com/groups/274132659359929/
For those who prefer Twitter or are looking for a doula focused account to follow and share from, @DONAIntl is our home! We also have a monthly Twitter chat the fourth Sundays at 9pm ET: #DONAChat
Find us @DONAIntl and discover boards for doula tools, doula business, birth stories, birth bags, labor links, doula humor and more.
We also have an Instagram account for all things doula. Follow us @DONAIntl
Download the PDF version of this article to share!
Hi! Is there a PDF of this article that we can print out? Thanks, Patty Brennan
On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 7:38 AM, The DONA Doula Chronicles wrote:
> donainternational posted: “We’ve recently shared an updated list of who > you can contact at DONA International to answer questions and get support. > Here, we’re sharing the communication channels and publications available > from DONA International offering resources, inspiration and c” >
Great idea, Patty! We’ll add one to the end of the article. – Adrianne