Suggested Hashtags
- #IDM
- #IDM24
- #InternationalDoulaMonth
- #DoulasPastPresentFuture
- #DoulasInThePast
- #DoulasInThePresent
- #DoulasInTheFuture
- #TheFutureOfDoulasIsMe
- #DONAProud
- #DONADoula
- #DONAInternational
International Doula Month
We are celebrating twenty-six years of International Doula Month! International Doula Month (IDM) was started by DONA International in 1998 to honor and increase awareness about the roles of the birth and postpartum doula around the world.
The theme for International Doula Month 2024 is Doulas: Past, Present, and Future! Celebrate the community perinatal support that was common to nearly every human culture around the world from ancient times, the recent historical events that led to the modern doula profession, and look towards the future and how we can achieve our vision of a doula for every person who wants one!
Sample Posts
Please be aware that some of these posts require you to change text or insert tags.
Did you know that the doula role precedes the modern profession by thousands of years? Anthropological evidence from nearly every human culture around the world suggests that community members, typically female family members and close neighbors, would provide practical support during the birth and care for the postpartum dyad, home, and family in the weeks following the birth. Birth and postpartum support is human history! #IDM24 #DoulasPastPresentFuture #DoulasInThePast #DONAProud #IAmDONA
Anthropologists have found birth and postpartum art, showing support people now called doulas, from across time, around the world, in nearly every human culture! #IDM24 #DoulasPastPresentFuture #DoulasInThePast #DONAProud #IAmDONA
Doulas today primarily offer perinatal support, some from as early as pre-conception, during the pregnancy, through childbirth, and in the weeks, even months postpartum. #IDM24 #DoulasPastPresentFuture #DoulasInThePresent #DONAProud #IAmDONA
I began my doula journey in <Insert your story here> #IDM24 #DoulasPastPresentFuture #DoulasInThePresent #DONAProud #IAmDONA
I am the future of the doula profession! <Insert your story here> #IDM24 #DoulasPastPresentFuture #DoulasInTheFuture #TheFutureOfDoulasIsMe #DONAProud #IAmDONA
Do you know the benefits of using a doula at your birth? What about having a doula help you after you’ve had the baby? Find out what a doula can do for you! https://www.dona.org/what-is-a-doula/benefits-of-a-doula/
Here’s a great guide on how to hire the perfect doula for you! https://www.dona.org/what-is-a-doula/how-to-hire-a-doula/
DONA International has been training and certifying doulas for over 32 years. Learn more about the amazing history! https://www.dona.org/the-dona-advantage/about/history/
Are you looking for a doula to help you with your next baby? Trust the organization with over 32 years of experience in preparing and certifying doulas for birth and postpartum. Find out more: https://www.dona.org/what-is-a-doula/find-a-doula/
With over 12,000 doulas certified in over 32 years, you can rest assured that DONA International has the experience and skills you need to become an amazing doula. Find out more about starting on your doula journey: https://www.dona.org/become-a-doula/
Being a doula is an amazing thing – here are ten reasons that I love being a doula! https://www.dona.org/ten-reasons-love-doula/
Sample Tweets
Please be aware that some of these tweets require you to change text or insert tags.
Need some help #postpartum? A #doula can help ease the transition. http://bit.ly/donadoula #DONAProud #IDM24
<insert your business name> loves doulas because <insert your reasons> #DONAProud #IDM24
10 Reasons I Love Being a #Doula: http://bit.ly/lovebeingdoula #DONAProud #IDM24
A #doula can help shorten your labor and reduce the risk of a #cesarean birth. http://bit.ly/donadoula #DONAProud #IDM24
Want an exciting career helping new families? Be a #doula! http://bit.ly/becomeadoula #DONAProud #IDM24
Benefits of a Doula
Learn more about the benefits of birth and postpartum doula care!
Become a Doula
It’s an exciting time to become a doula! Learn more about our training and certification process!

Sample Images

Download the IDM 2024 Media Toolkit for all images and suggested posts.
Follow us on social media for more great content to share all month!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DONAInternational/
X: http://twitter.com/DONAIntl
Instagram: http://instagram.com/DONAIntl
Other Potential Links of Interest
DONA Infographic for Birth & Postpartum Doulas: http://bit.ly/donadoulabenefits
Birth Doula Certification Infographic: http://bit.ly/birthdoulacertinfo
Postpartum Doula Certification Infographic: http://bit.ly/postpartumdoulacertinfo
Resource Library for DONA Members: https://www.dona.org/the-dona-advantage/resource-library/
Blog: http://dona.org/blog
Joyce Dykema, DONA International Director of Communications, commsdirector@dona.org