Interior Hero

International Doula Month


We are celebrating twenty-five years of International Doula Month! International Doula Month (IDM) was started by DONA International in 1998 to celebrate and increase awareness about the role of the birth and postpartum doula around the world.

Follow us on social media for more great content to share all month!


Hashtags are a way to “tag” a conversation for others to join in or find content. You can use multiple hashtags and will find them most commonly on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). If you’re not sure what’s being used, try searching for the hashtag before you use it. Here are some common ones:

  • #IDM
  • #ThriveAsADoula
  • #IDM24
  • #DoulasNeedRest
  • #DONAProud
  • #WhyIAmADoula
  • #DONAIntl
  • #DoulaSelfCare
  • #DONADoula
  • #DoulasNeedSupportToo
  • #DONADoulaTrainer
  • #BirthDoula
  • #NurturingTheNurturer
  • #PostpartumDoula


We are using themes to help us guide the conversation. Each week will have a theme, but you should tweet or post what works best for you and jump into the themes as it suits you and your business’ needs.

2024 Theme: Nurturing the Nurturers: Self-care and burnout prevention for doulas

  • May 3-9: Remember your why
  • May 10-16: The seven types of rest
  • May 17-23: Strategies for preventing burnout
  • May 24-30: Apply your client-nurturing practices to yourself

Sample Posts and Tweets

Please be aware that some of these posts and tweets require you to change text or insert tags.

Do you know that many doulas burnout and leave the profession in less than 5 years? I nurture myself to prevent burnout by <insert your self-care strategy> #IDM24 #DoulasNeedSupportToo #ThriveAsADoula 

<insert your business name> love being a doula because <insert your reasons> #DONAProud #IDM24 #WhyIAmADoula

I became a doula because <insert your reasons> #IDM24 #WhyIAmADoula

Being a doula is an amazing thing – here are ten reasons to love about being a doula! #WhyIAmADoula #IDM24

I honor my need for rest as a doula. #DoulasNeedRest #IDM24

I am honoring my need for <select appropriate types: physical, mental, sensory, creative, emotional, social, spiritual> rest today. #DoulasNeedRest #IDM24

I <insert burnout prevention strategy> to prevent my doula burnout. #DoulaSelfCare #DoulasNeedSupportToo #IDM24

I love caring for my clients by <insert nurturing practice here>, today I am caring for myself in the same way. #DoulaSelfCare #IDM24 #NurturingTheNurturer


These are also just samples, please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter) to find more images to share!

Follow us on social media for more great content to share all month!




